#53 - Chris Hamm | HHA Sports & HHAUSA
Chris Hamm from HHA Sports and HHAUSA talks about the 2021 product release from HHA Sports and the work HHAUSA is doing for veterans.
#52 - We're Back!
Derek Dirnberger is back with The Break Podcast to fill you in on his 2020 hunting season and talks about what's to come on The Break Podcast..
#51 - 2020 SHOT Show Wrap
Derek Dirnberger, Carl Drake and Jeremy Mills wrap up the 2020 SHOT Show in Las Vegas.
#50 - Foster Bartholow | SHOT Show
Foster Bartholow, a professional trap shooter for Browning, stops by the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast to talk to Tom Rainey about trap shooting and a range of other things.
#49 - Alex Thomson | SHOT Show
Alex Thomson from Eland Safaris stops by the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast at SHOT Show 2020. Carl Drake and Jeremy Mills talk to Alex about their recent hunting trip.
#48 - Jon & Gina Brunson | SHOT Show
Jon & Gina Brunson from Addicted to the Outdoors and Spearlife join Tom Rainey at SHOT Show 2020 during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast.
#47 - Derek, Carl and Jeremy | SHOT Show
Derek Dirnberger, Carl Drake and Jeremy Mills get the 2020 SHOT Show teed up from Las Vegas.
#46 - Levi & Samantha Morgan | ATA 2020
Levi and Samantha Morgan of Bowlife stop by to speak with Tom Rainey at the 2020 ATA Show during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast.
#45 - Brad Miller | ATA 2020
Brad Miller with Country Boys Outdoors joins Tom Rainey during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast at the 2020 ATA Show. Brad Miller is a former multi-time NBA all-star.
#44 - Chris Hamm from HHA Sports| ATA 2020
Chris Hamm from HHA Sports and HHAUSA joins Tom Rainey at the ATA Show in Indianapolis, IN during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast.
#43 - Greg Zipadelli & Hal Shaffer | ATA 2020
Greg Zipadelli & Hal Shaffer stop by the Browning Trail Cameras booth at the 2020 ATA Show to talk to Tom Rainey during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast..
#42 - Jon & Gina Brunson | ATA 2020
Jon & Gina Brunson from Addicted to the Outdoors talks to Tom Rainey at the ATA Show in Indianapolis, IN during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast..
#41 - Don & Kandi Kisky | ATA 2020
Don & Kandi Kisky from Whitetail Freaks join Tom Rainey during the Browning Trail Cameras takeover of The Break Podcast at the 2020 ATA Show.
#40 - Jeremy Moore | 2019 DeerFest
Jeremy Moore with HODAG and Dog Bone sits down with Derek Dirnberger and Tom Rainey to talk about the Licking Stick from HODAG and shed dog training with Dog Bone.
#39 - Chris Hamm | 2019 DeerFest
Chris Hamm from HHAUSA joins Derek Dirnberger and Tom Rainey to talk about the mission of HHAUSA in supporting veterans.
#38 - DeerFest Day 1 Close | 2019 DeerFest
Tom Rainey from Browning Trail Cameras and Derek Dirnberger close out day 1 of DeerFest and talk about their seminar on "Advanced Trail Camera Tactics".
#37 - DeerFest 2019
Tom Rainey from Browning Trail Cameras joins Derek Dirnberger to kick things off at the 10th annual DeerFest in West Bend, WI.
#36 - Sponsor Appreciation Event
Tom Rainey from Browning Trail Cameras co-hosts while shooting on location from The Break's annual Sponsor Appreciation Event. Guest include Mike Ponder and Stuart Ruehling from Indian Creek, Joe Rhodes from the Kniestedt Foundation, and staff members of The Break TV.